
Qatar Labour Law Wages annual leave Sickleave salary

Qatar Labour Law Wages annual leave Sickleave salary By Qatar Day - August 22, 2019
Qatar Labour Law Wages annual leave Sickleave salary

Qatar Labour Law Wages annual leave Sickleave salary

Article 65- Qatar Labour Law Wages or salary specification in contract

The Worker shall be entitled to the wages specified in the service contract and if the contract does not specify the wage the worker shall be entitled to the wage specified in the work regulations. If the wage is not specified in accordance with the preceding paragraph the worker shall be entitled to a wage equivalent to the wage specified for work of a similar type in the establishment and otherwise in accordance with the custom applicable to the profession in the place of performance of the work and if there is no such custom the judge shall specify the wage in accordance with the requirements of justice.

Article 66- Qatar Labour Law Wages and sums payments

The wages and other sums to which the worker is entitled shall be paid in the Qatari currency.

The wages of the workers employed on annual or monthly wages shall be paid at least once every month. The wages of all other workers shall be paid once at least every two weeks.

The wages shall be paid to the worker himself within the working day’ and during working hours in the usual place of work or any other place to be approved by the Department and may be transferred to the account of the worker with the bank to be agreed upon by the two parties or paid to the attorney appointed by the worker in writing.

The employer shall not be relieved from his obligation to pay the wage due to the worker unless he has actually transferred it to the bank or the worker or his attorney has signed in acknowledgement of the receipt thereof in the register or receipt prepared for this purpose provided that the said documents shall include the details of the wage.

Article 67- Qatar Labour Law Wages end of service payment and gratuity on termination

If the service contract is terminated for any reason the employer shall pay the wages and other sums to which the worker is entitled before the end of the day following the day on which the contract terminates unless the worker has abandoned the work without giving the notification provided for in Article 49 of this law. In this case, the employer shall pay the wage and other sums to which the worker is entitled within a period which shall not exceed seven days from the date of the worker abandoning the work.

Article 68 – Qatar Labour Law Wages and Qatar Labour Law annual leave salary

The employer shall pay to the worker before the worker takes his annual leave the wages to which the worker is entitled to

the work he has performed up to the date of taking the leave in addition to the leave wages to which the worker is entitled.

Article 69- Qatar Labour Law wages purchasing of food from the employer

The worker shall not be obligated to purchase foodstuff or other commodities from certain places or from the products of the employer.

Article 70- Qatar Labour Law wages salary deduction for final settlement and interest for loans

Any part of the wage to which the worker is entitled may not be attached and the payment thereof may not be withheld except for the execution of a judicial decision. In case of attachment in execution of a judgment the Sharia alimony debt shall have priority over all other debts and the total of the sums attached shall not exceed 35% of the wage of the indebted worker.

The employer may not charge any interest on the loan he may grant to the worker and shall not deduct more than 10% from the wage of the worker in settlement of the loan.

The total of the sums to be deducted from the wage of the worker in settlement of the deductibles and debts due from him shall not exceed 50% of his aggregate wage. If the percentage which shall be deducted from the wage of the worker within one month exceeds this percentage the deduction of the excess percentage shall be deferred to the following month or months.

Article 71- Qatar Labour Law wages salary compensation for damaged company assets

If the worker causes the loss of, damage or destruction to machinery, products or equipment of the establishment as a result of his fault he shall be obligated to compensate the employer for the damage resulting therefrom provided that the obligation of the worker for the compensation shall be preceded by an inquiry.

The employer may deduct the value of the compensation from the wage due to the worker provided that the value of the compensation does not exceed the wage due to the worker for seven days in one month. The worker may appeal against the decision of the employer on the valuation of the compensation to the Department within seven days from the date of his being notified thereof.

If the Department cancels the decision of the employer or evaluates a lesser compensation due from the worker the employer shall return to the worker the amount which he has deducted in excess without a right thereto within not more than seven days.

Article 72- Qatar Labour Law wages Annual leave salary sick leave salary end of service gratuity calculation

The wage of the worker during the annual or sick leave and his end of service gratuity shall be calculated on the basis of his basic wage on the date of entitlement and if the worker is employed on a piece-by-piece work basis the entitlement shall be calculated on the basis of his average wages for the three months preceding the date of entitlement.

By Qatar Day - August 22, 2019

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