Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio has pledged that the government will learn lessons from the 2011 massive earthquake and nuclear accident to make the country more resilient to natural disasters. Kishida attended a ceremony in Fukushima Prefec..
“Bomb Train” in Ohio Sickens Residents After Railroad Cutbacks, Corporate Greed Led to Toxic Disaster Fire safety crews in a controlled explosion set fire to hazardous chemicals which were at the risk of spilling over from a derailed f..
If an earthquake strikes in the not-too-distant future and survivors are trapped under tonnes of rubble, the first responders to locate them could be swarms of cyborg cockroaches. That's a potential application of a recent breakthrough by Japa..
A Moroccan preacher has sparked controversy by linking the success of the women's national football team to natural disasters and other hardships in the country. The Moroccan women's football team made history by reaching th..
REUTERS The number of disasters, such as floods and heatwaves, driven by climate change have increased fivefold over the past 50 years, killing more than 2 million people and costing $3.64 trillion in total losses, a U.N. agency said on Wednesday...
The entire nation’s energy delivery system needs an overhaul. There is a great deal of nonsense being written and spoken about this week’s power failures in Texas, which left a number of people dead and millions without power or potabl..
Qatar Secures Place Among the World's Top 10 Wealthiest Nations
Hamad International Airport Witnesses Record Increase in Passenger Traffic
Saudi Arabia: Any visa holder can now perform Umrah
What are Qatar's Labour Laws on Annual Leave?