MOCI instructs car owners their rights while giving for services

MOCI instructs car owners their rights while giving for services By Joel Johnson - July 29, 2021

Rights of car owners while servicing


In its official twitter handle, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MOCI) has made known the rights of a vehicle owner when the car is given for services.

The below listed are some of the rights you should know while giving your car for service:

1. Knowing the period needed to complete inspection and repair, in writing, signed by the consumer and service center.
2. Knowing the cost and completion date of repair work.
3. Acquiring a courtesy vehicle for insured vehicle in case the repair period is more than 14 days.
4. You have the right to retain parts if the vehicle is out of warranty and use replaced parts from your vehicle if it is still under warranty. 
5. You are entitled to receive spare parts for durable items. 
6. Obtaining a warranty period for the services by the provider according to the agreement.
7. Obtaining a complete invoice in Arabic.


By Joel Johnson - July 29, 2021

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