
Things you need to know about Japanese culture

Things you need to know about Japanese culture By Shalini - May 18, 2022
Things you need to know about Japanese culture

Things you need to know about Japanese culture

Here are few things you should know about Japanese culture.

It’s rude to eat or drink while walking

it isn’t considered quite as rude as it used to be, eating or drinking while walking is still looked upon as poor manners. When most Japanese people buy food or drink from a vending machine on the street, for example, they’ll consume the whole thing while standing beside the machine to avoid walking with it.

Baseball is extremely popular

Sumo may be the national sport, and the one most often associate with the country, but baseball is actually the most watched and played sport here.Japanese baseball games are particularly notable for their fervent cheering sections, with people singing fight songs and participating in organised cheers continuously throughout most games.

Eating horse meat is common

Horse meat has been consumed in Japan since the late 16th century. Its use in cooking increased significantly in the 1960s, as the role of horses in agriculture and transport diminished. 

Chopstick positions have meaning

When you’re dining in Japan, it’s important to never stick your chopsticks into your food to rest them when you’re not eating. This actually resembles a ceremony performed at funerals in Japan, and it’s considered a bad omen.

Slurping is a compliment

For a country with so many strict etiquette rules, it comes as a shock to many Westerners that slurping noodles or soups while eating is perfectly acceptable in Japan. In fact, slurping isn’t just acceptable, it’s actually encouraged. It’s considered to be a sign that the food is delicious, and it’s a compliment to the cook.

By Shalini - May 18, 2022

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