
Qatar University Launches Two Sponsorship Programs

Qatar University Launches Two Sponsorship Programs By Nidhul - March 23, 2022
Qatar University

Qatar University

Qatar University announced the launch of two new programs to sponsor Qatari students, namely science sponsorship Program, gifted students program, introduction of an admission grant for gifted students and the creation of grants for international partnerships at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

The university also revealed the restructuring of a number of offered competitive scholarships, which are obtained on a competitive basis by renaming some scholarships to be more expressive of their nature and the category directed to them, redistributing a number of scholarships for each category in line with the strategic directions of the university, as well as creating new grants with the aim of directing them to serve the strategic goals of the university, in addition to amending some conditions for applying for grants and the conditions for their continuity.

Vice President for Student Affairs at Qatar University Dr. Eiman Mustafawi said in a statement today that this step comes within the strategic directions of the university, and reflects the universitys interest in attracting Qatari students who have various competencies, high academic capabilities and diverse talents in the fields of scientific research, technology, innovation, literature, art, media and sports which in turn will contribute to supplying the labor market with distinguished and qualified graduates with a high degree of competence and knowledge capable of meeting the needs of the labor market.

She explained that the sponsorship programs for Qatari students cover textbook fees, a monthly stipend, and the provision of a laptop computer, while the scholarships include a number of advantages, including exemption from tuition fees, book fees, and other benefits according to the scholarship system followed at Qatar University.

Dr. Eiman Mustafawi also confirmed that the university seeks, by restructuring scholarships and sponsorship programs, to attract talented Qatari and non-Qatari students, encourage students to enroll in the disciplines of pure and applied sciences (STEM) and provide a unique experience for new students with Qatar University. 

Source: QNA

By Nidhul - March 23, 2022

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