Success in the age of digital marketing

Success in the age of digital marketing By Shahbaz Ahmed - November 14, 2021
Digital marketing

Digital marketing

2021 is coming to an end, but the digital age has only just begun. If you thought you’d seen everything the internet had to offer, the pandemic probably proved you wrong. People have evolved with the times, and innovation breaks barriers every day now. Businesses are launched one week and take over the markets in the next. The only thing you can credit this popularity, and ease of access to is website management. People are interested in businesses that can offer well-managed websites. In other words, the easier it is to navigate your website and the more visually appealing it is, the higher your chances of being a hit. The Jobs WordPress offers to include quality web development, something you should consider if you're hoping for your business to take over the market. 

Why should you hire a web designer?

If you’re wondering why you need to go through the ordeal of hiring a good web developer, we’ve got all the right reasons to convince you. There’s a lot to gain with a good team, and an aesthetic website is only the tip of the iceberg. You can look towards web development agencies as well. They’ll be able to guide you better and even offer teams for the task. You can find all Jobs here.

Better visibility

Your website may be pretty to look at, but that won’t matter if your audience is limited. It’s hard to gain visibility nowadays, but skilled web developers are equipped with all the right tricks. One of these includes Search Engine Optimization. SEO is a powerful tool in increasing your popularity, and it requires patience and determined work, something you need a dedicated web developer for. 

Integrated ADA Compliance

ADA compliance is an important aspect of every website. Your consumer pool will vary vastly, and it should be as inclusive as possible. Setting up your business to be friendly for people with disabilities isn’t an easy task, and it’s better to have a professional take care of it. 

Progressive updates

If you’re running a business and trying to maintain a website at the same time, you probably won’t have the time to do both jobs perfectly. Websites need gradual updates. Digital trends are ever-evolving, and they progress daily. Having a good web developer on your team means you don’t have to worry about lagging. They’ll be taking care of updates as soon as they are needed. This will also create an image that says your business is fast at adapting, and people will be more inclined to keep visiting. 

What are key points to consider when hiring a web developer?

Now that you’ve understood why you need a web developer, it’s time to answer the next question, how do you know you’ve got the right candidate? Fortunately, we’ve got you covered. These are key points you should evaluate every candidate on to know if they’re the right fit for you.

Look at the experience

When a candidate arrives, go over their portfolio and gauge their previous work. Is it similar to the niche you want them to target? Is it similar to the content you need from them? If yes, is the quality as fine as you want it to be?

A web developer’s experience will tell you a lot about what they can offer, and what they’re willing to learn. Sometimes web designers will want to completely switch the kind of businesses they work with. While the shift can be challenging, it can also mean a fresh set of eyes that aren't accustomed to trends within your business, thus they have the potential to bring in more innovation.

Go through their references

It’s always a smart choice to view a candidate's persons of reference and get in contact with them. Former supervisors can also tell you a great deal about what it’s like to work with the person. Other than their performance as a web developers, how they are as a colleague and what energy they contribute to the workspace are good questions to ask. Don’t say yes to a candidate until you’re satisfied with the answers you receive. 

Take them on a test run!

Once you’ve shortlisted a few candidates, test their abilities. You won’t know who’s the right match for you until you see them at work. Design a small task that is routine enough for the web designers to be aware of it, yet slightly complicated so they have to use their wits to approach it. This test will give you an in-depth view of what working with each of these people will be like. In the end, examine who you felt most comfortable working with, and who gave you the most satisfying results. If one candidate delivered on both these accounts, you’ve got the right match. 

Red flags to watch out for!

Hiring a web developer won’t be a piece of cake and you should be as prepared as possible. These are some red flags you’ll want to avoid when finalizing a web developer.

Ambiguous estimates

If you’re hoping to hire someone as a freelance web developer, they should provide you with an estimated fee. If the task you’ve assigned them is clearly outlined then the fee they charge should be definite too. If a web developer keeps dodging the question of what they’ll charge, then you have reason to be concerned. 

Unclear timeline

Whenever looking to hire a web developer, ask them how well they are at sticking to timelines. When you talk about assigning projects, ask them when you can expect the projects to be completed. A competent web designer should have no trouble answering these questions. They should be able to give you to-the-point answers. However, if they can’t then it probably means they are unsure of how much work needs to be done. That may be due to a lack of experience with the task at hand or incompetency. If this keeps up, you should confront the candidate, and proceed wisely. 

Final word

Web development is what makes or breaks a business in today’s world. It’s something you simply can’t compromise on. That’s why you should take the time to find the right web designer today for a successful business tomorrow. 


By Shahbaz Ahmed - November 14, 2021
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