Rare Super Blue Moon Light up in Qatari Skies

Rare Super Blue Moon Light up in Qatari Skies By A Robin - August 31, 2023
Giant Full Moon

Giant Full Moon

Qatar Calendar House observed today the second giant full moon in the State of Qatar this evening.

The full moon of the month of Safar for this year seemed completely different from the usual full moon as it was 14% larger than the usual full moon, and 30% more luminous, due to its proximity to Earth.

Dr. Bashir Marzouq, an astronomer at the Qatari Calendar House, said in a statement on the occasion that the residents of the State of Qatar were able to see and monitor the giant full moon with the naked eye above the eastern horizon at five oclock and 47 minutes this evening, and it will continue until before sunrise on Thursday at 5:14 AM this morning in Doha local time.


By A Robin - August 31, 2023

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